Subject Verb Agreement Class 7 Cbse

Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar concept that students of class 7 CBSE must grasp. The basic rule of subject-verb agreement is that the verb must agree with the subject in terms of number, meaning, and tense. This agreement is crucial for clarity in communication and effective writing. Therefore, it is essential to understand the rules of subject-verb agreement to become a proficient writer.

Here are the basic rules of subject-verb agreement that class 7 CBSE students must know:

1. Singular subjects require singular verbs, while plural subjects require plural verbs.


– The dog barks at night. (‘dog’ is a singular subject, and ‘barks’ is a singular verb)

– The students play football in the field. (‘students’ is a plural subject, and ‘play’ is a plural verb)

2. Collective nouns are treated as singular nouns and take singular verbs.


– The team plays well. (‘team’ is a collective noun, and ‘plays’ is a singular verb)

– The jury delivers its verdict. (‘jury’ is a collective noun, and ‘delivers’ is a singular verb)

3. Indefinite pronouns, such as anyone, everyone, somebody, nobody, etc., are singular and take singular verbs.


– Nobody likes to be criticized. (‘nobody’ is an indefinite pronoun, and ‘likes’ is a singular verb)

– Someone is knocking at the door. (‘someone’ is an indefinite pronoun, and ‘is’ is a singular verb)

4. In compound subjects joined by ‘and,’ the verb is plural.


– The horse and the rider jump over the fence. (‘horse’ and ‘rider’ are two subjects joined by ‘and,’ and ‘jump’ is a plural verb)

– My mother and I love to cook together. (‘mother’ and ‘I’ are two subjects joined by ‘and,’ and ‘love’ is a plural verb)

5. When the subject and verb are separated, the verb must still agree with the subject.


– The cat, along with its kittens, is sleeping. (‘cat’ is the subject, and ‘is’ is the verb that agrees with the singular subject)

– My pencil, as well as my notebook, was left at home. (‘pencil’ is the subject, and ‘was’ is the verb that agrees with the singular subject)

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a vital grammar concept that class 7 CBSE students must understand to become proficient writers. The rules of subject-verb agreement are straightforward and easy to grasp. Therefore, with consistent practice and use of these rules, students can improve their writing skills and effectively communicate their ideas.

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