Gas Agreement Png

Gas Agreement PNG: Everything You Need to Know

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a country with abundant natural gas reserves, making it a valuable player in the energy market. The country has entered into several gas agreements with foreign companies to extract, process, and export its natural gas resources. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about gas agreement PNG.

What is a Gas Agreement?

A gas agreement is a legal contract between the government of PNG and a foreign company to explore, develop, and produce natural gas reserves in the country. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the foreign company can operate, such as the amount of gas that can be produced, the price for the gas, the duration of the agreement, and the taxes and royalties that must be paid to the government.

The aim of a gas agreement is to create a mutually beneficial relationship between the government of PNG and foreign companies. The government gets to monetize its natural gas resources while the foreign company earns a profit from the production and sale of the gas.

Types of Gas Agreements in PNG

PNG has two types of gas agreements: Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) and Development License (DL). A PSA is an agreement between the government and a foreign company to explore, develop, and produce natural gas resources. The company is responsible for financing and operating the project, and the government earns a share of the production revenue.

A DL, on the other hand, is an agreement between the government and a company for the development and operation of gas infrastructure, such as pipelines or liquefaction facilities. The company is responsible for financing and building the infrastructure, while the government earns a share of the revenue generated from the infrastructure.

Gas Agreements in PNG

PNG has several gas agreements with foreign companies, including:

1. Papua LNG: This is a joint venture between ExxonMobil, Oil Search, and Total to develop a project to produce and export liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Papua New Guinea LNG plant.

2. P’nyang: This is a PSA between the government of PNG and ExxonMobil to explore and produce natural gas reserves in the P’nyang field.

3. Pasca A: This is a DL between Twinza Oil and the government of PNG to develop an offshore gas field and construct a floating LNG facility.

Benefits of Gas Agreements in PNG

Gas agreements provide several benefits to the government of PNG, including:

1. Revenue: Gas agreements generate revenue for the government through taxes, royalties, and production sharing. This revenue can fund infrastructure development, social programs, and other government initiatives.

2. Job creation: Gas projects require a significant amount of manpower, providing jobs and training opportunities for local communities.

3. Energy security: Natural gas is a reliable and stable source of energy, reducing PNG’s dependence on imported fossil fuels.


Gas agreements are essential for PNG’s economic development and energy security. They allow the government to monetize its natural gas resources and provide employment opportunities for local communities. With several gas projects in development, PNG is poised to become a significant player in the global energy market.

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