Rental Agreement for 3 Months

If you`re in need of a rental agreement for a short-term lease, specifically for three months, you`ve come to the right place. As with any rental agreement, it`s important to ensure that all terms and conditions are laid out clearly and agreed upon by both the landlord and tenant.

Here are some key points to include in a rental agreement for three months:

1. Lease term and rental amount: Clearly state the duration of the lease, which in this case would be three months, and the amount of rent that will be due each month.

2. Security deposit: Specify the amount of the security deposit, as well as any conditions that must be met in order for the deposit to be returned.

3. Utilities: Indicate which, if any, utilities will be included in the rent, such as electricity, gas, and water.

4. Maintenance and repairs: Outline the responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant when it comes to maintenance and repairs. Include information on how repairs will be handled and who will be responsible for paying for them.

5. Termination clause: Detail the conditions under which either party can terminate the lease early, and any penalties or fees associated with doing so.

6. Subletting: State whether or not the tenant will be permitted to sublet the property, and any conditions that must be met in order to do so.

7. Pets: If pets will be allowed on the property, specify any restrictions or fees associated with pet ownership.

By including all of the above information in a rental agreement for three months, both the landlord and tenant can avoid any miscommunications or misunderstandings during the lease term. Remember, a well-written agreement protects both parties and can help prevent legal disputes down the line.

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